Teach the Alphabet  with Ease using Reading by Design

An All-in-One Christian Phonics Curriculum

Teaching Beginning Readers - Phase One of Reading by Design

Where Faith and Phonics Unite with a Seamless Implementation!

Are you a

Christian Teacher or Parent

seeking a comprehensive, Christ-centered approach to Teach the Letters of the Alphabet while simultaneously embracing the Teachings of Jesus?


Nurturing Faith while Building Strong Readers!

Introducing Reading by Design Phase One – an empowering journey focused on mastering letters and sounds, seamlessly integrating faith into literacy education.

As a devoted Christian mother or educator, your heart longs for your child(ren) to not only excel in reading but also embrace the timeless teachings of Jesus with fervor.

In the bustling realm of education, your passion for shaping the next generation is unwavering, yet you face a pressing challenge – igniting children's enthusiasm to learn their letters. Countless hours are spent piecing together various resources to teach the alphabet, but the struggle to captivate young minds persists.

Enter Reading by Design Phase One – a meticulously crafted Christian phonics program and kit designed to effortlessly infuse faith into literacy instruction, while focusing on the foundational mastery of letters and sounds.

With Reading by Design Phase One, your teaching journey will soon become your happy place as faith and literacy harmonize beautifully.

Say goodbye to the days of struggling to engage your child(ren) in learning their letters and spending endless hours curating resources – Aja, your trusted guide, becomes your indispensable companion in materializing your vision.

With over 40 low-prep games, simple-to-implement songs, and Aja's personalized shopping service, teaching letter recognition and sound mastery transforms from a daunting task into a joyful journey of exploration and revelation.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey with Reading by Design Phase One, where every page narrates a tale of aspirations unfolding into reality? 🌟


✨ Why Reading by Design? ✨

🔍 Hybrid Learning at Your Fingertips: Seamlessly blend on-demand professional development and support with a wealth of printables, making your teaching journey of letters and sounds engaging and effective.

📆 Year-Long Done-For-You Lessons: Take the stress out of planning for letter and sound recognition with our comprehensive, year-long lesson plans, empowering you to focus on what truly matters – your child(ren)'s growth.

🎲 40+ Low-Prep Games and Activities: Keep the excitement alive with interactive and fun-filled games that reinforce letter recognition and sounds in a delightful way.

🎶 Easy-to-Implement Songs: Infuse joy into learning with uplifting tunes that enhance memory retention and make the educational journey unforgettable.

🛍️ Aja - Your Personal Shopper: Overwhelmed by the task of gathering hands-on resources? Aja is here to take the load off your shoulders. Our unique Reading by Design phase one kit offers a personal shopping service, ensuring you have all the necessary tools for seamless lesson implementation. Aja doesn't own any of the products; she's literally your personal shopper saving you time, energy, and effort.


30-Week Alphabet  Curriculum

This Curriculum offers a comprehensive scope and sequence for teaching each letter of the alphabet, with weekly lesson plans for customized lessons, over 50 engaging activity directions, and catchy lyrics for 26 alphabet songs. 

30 Weeks of Scripted Lesson Plans

30 Weeks of Scripted Lesson Plans provide a structured framework featuring daily songs, two hands-on activities, an independent activity, and assessment tools to ensure comprehensive learning.

30+ Printable Hands-On Activities

With over 30 printable hands-on activities, such as matching and sorting games, playdough mats, sound cards, and more, learning becomes interactive and engaging for students of all ages and abilities.

Easy to Follow Video Instructions

Simple video instructions guide you through utilizing the curriculum, whether following scripted lessons or creating custom ones, emphasizing the significance of early literacy & providing seamless implementation of all activities.

Instructional Alphabet Printables

Alphabet Printables for instruction offer convenient implementation, including alphabet posters, independent worksheets tailored for children, and engaging coloring sheets, facilitating comprehensive learning experiences.

Letter Recognition & Sound Assessments

Letter Recognition & Sound Assessments ensure mastery by evaluating students' proficiency in identifying letters and their corresponding sounds. With embedded review weeks, mastery of these skills is reinforced and solidified over time.

26 Intervention Lessons

With 26 intervention lessons dedicated to reteaching letter recognition and sounds, targeted support is provided to reinforce skills and promote mastery for every learner. These lessons are perfect for small group or one-on-one support.

50 + Interactive Digital Letter Games

Engage your little one(s) with over 50 interactive digital letter games, effortlessly displayed on your projector or device, offering a dynamic and entertaining way for children to interact and learn letter skills.

Plus There's Even More


Done-For-You Hands-on Shopping Kit

Effortlessly implement the curriculum with this convenient kit, where all necessary materials including playdough, dry erase boards, sand trays, sheet protectors, sand, and more will be delivered to your doorstep, saving you time & serving as your personal shopper.


Christian Themed Read Alouds

Embark on a 26-week journey with Christian-themed read-alouds, accompanied by comprehension questions that align with biblical stories and correspond to the letter of the week, fostering spiritual growth alongside literacy development.


Christian Themed Hands-On Activities

Explore Christian-themed hands-on activities that seamlessly integrate faith and learning, fostering a deeper understanding of religious concepts and biblical stories through interactive engagement and experiential learning.


Scripted Daily Prayer Poems

Begin each phonics lesson with a Christ-aligned hook that includes these scripted daily prayers tailored for children, parents, and teachers, fostering a spiritual connection and inviting the Lord into the learning environment to enrich the lesson ahead.

Train up a Child the Way they Should Go - Proverbs 22:6

What  Others Are Saying...

“Before, I didn't know how to teach letters and I was lost. Now, I know what to do and my son has mastered all of this letters and sounds in just four weeks. I am so grateful I found Aja. She is God sent.”

Tanjila Palmer

“Aja saved my life. I was becoming burnt out and contemplating leaving my school. Now, I’m excited that I have SYSTEMS in place that will allow me to teach reading with fidelity.”

Lakeycha Pinckney

"I really want to thank you Aja for a systematic, logical and practical tool. I've been able to implement her program without having to reinvent the wheel! I would absolutely  recommend it.”

Renee Pennyman


Grab Reading by Design Now

Reading by Design


Top features

  • Done-for-You Alphabet Curriculum
  • A Year's Worth of Lesson Plans
  • 100+ Activities & Resources
  • 50+ Digital Alphabet Games
  • 30 Alphabet Assessments
  • Easy to Follow Video Instructions
  • Hands on Shopping Kit of Materials
  • Christian Themed Lessons, Activities, & Prayers










Reading by Design + PLUS Group Coaching Program

$97 + $47/m

Most Popular

  • Done-for-You Alphabet Curriculum
  • A Year's Worth of Lesson Plans
  • 100+ Activities & Resources
  • 50+ Digital Alphabet Games
  • 30 Alphabet Assessments
  • Easy to Follow Video Instructions
  • Hands on Shopping Kit of Materials
  • Christian Themed Lessons, Activities, & Prayers
  • Multiple Monthly Support Calls
  • A Community of Support
  • An Entire Vault of 50+ Reading Trainings & Resources
  • Access to Tons of Reading Printables
  • PLUS: Teaching by Design Course
  • PLUS: Writing Made Easy Course
  • One FREE month of Teaching by Design


Children are a Heritage from the Lord - Psalm 127:3 

Who is this for?

Homeschooling Christian Parents

 Crafted specifically for Christian parents who homeschool their children, offering a comprehensive phonics curriculum that aligns with their faith and educational goals.

Christian Educators in Early Childhood

 Designed specifically for Christian teachers navigating secular educational environments, providing a curriculum that respects their faith while meeting professional requirements.

Church-Based Programs

Tailored for church-based educational programs aiming to supplement traditional schooling with a curriculum rooted in Christian values and teachings.


Let's Address the Elephant in the Room...

The Elephant in the Living Room - The Couples Post

What if you can't incorporate religion, but you want to use the curriculum?

We understand. As a Christian teacher navigating a secular educational landscape, the tension between your personal faith and professional obligations can feel like an elephant in the room. You're dedicated to providing quality education while adhering to the guidelines that restrict the mention of religion or God in your classroom. Yet, you also yearn to infuse your teaching with values that align with your Christian beliefs.

Enter Reading by Design, a phonics curriculum designed with your unique situation in mind. We recognize the challenges you face, and we're here to offer a solution that honors both your faith and your profession.

The amazing thing about Reading by Design is that it acknowledges your position. The curriculum is crafted to be inclusive, ensuring that the religious aspects are presented as optional add-ons. This means that the scripted lesson plans and the flexibility to create your own lessons can be seamlessly implemented without the religious component, allowing you to stay true to your professional requirements while still providing a comprehensive educational experience.

Here's where it gets even better. Our curriculum is structured to offer versatility without compromise. Every activity, game, and lesson is designed with two versions in mind: a standard edition suitable for any classroom setting, and a Christian-themed edition for those moments when you want to infuse your teaching with elements of faith. This dual approach ensures that you have the freedom to choose the path that best serves your students while maintaining your integrity as a Christian educator.

With Reading by Design, you don't have to sacrifice your beliefs or professionalism. You can confidently navigate the educational landscape, knowing that you have a curriculum that respects your convictions and empowers you to deliver exceptional instruction tailored to your unique needs.

Embrace the freedom to teach letter recognition and sounds with purpose and passion, knowing that you have a curriculum partner that understands and supports you every step of the way. Choose Reading by Design and embark on a journey of educational excellence without compromise.

Answering Any Questions